
BSKS has been running silently for the well being of the poor and helpless people in different ways and sectors of the society since it’s establishment. To accelerate mans education and adult education this organization is playing a vital role. BSKS always consider the education sector with importance and try to play significant role. BSKS has introduced stipend for the talent and meritorious poor student to encourage higher study.
BSKS has taken initiatives to remove the course of dowry, early marriage and female prevision from the society and in this regards this organization has been working to increase the awareness of the people. BSKS organized free eye camp in rural area with Lions club.
For social plantations BSKS distributes saplings with free of cost to the poor and low earn people. This organization is working to prevent  environment pollution.
BSKS is observing various international days like world environment day, population day, Youth day, Vaccination day, independence day, victory day and international mother language day etc in every year.

At present BSKS is operating its development activities under the following Programs:

Women entrepreneurship development and training program


-STD/ AIDS awareness program
-Free eye camp for  villagers.
-Free check up and prescribed services to the mother and children
-Awareness program for safe water and sanitation

-Pre- primary education Center
-Adult literacy
-Education support for orphan students
-Stipend for primary students (class one to five)
-Children Club
-Youth club
-Public library
- Research


-Afforestisation   project
- Village nursery project
-Awareness program for pollution free environment
-Awareness program for tree plantation
- Research


-Emergency Relief operation

-Handicraft and sewing training.

-Financial support to old helpless widows
-Financial support to child and meritorious students.
-Relief distribution to hard core poor regarding yearly national festival
- Fabric's distribution to orphan children.

Future plan:
-Set up an old helpless widow’s shelter and care center.
-Set up a child orphanage and training center
-Set up a day care center for working   mother in rural area.
-Care center for physical disabled.

-Set up a training center for disaster management. 

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